My name is maisson birth, was born in the month of May 1994, 31 days. I live in Campina Grande. Cavalcante son Marco AntonioMaria de Fatima's mother birthing extrorvertido the kind of guy I like to play with everyone, I'm cool and boring in the hoursnecessary and, I hate people full of freshness, I have dreams ofone day living in my house and place, God willing he will bless meand give me my to study but many do not, like English Portuguese andgeography. I intend to have my family and be a nice guy and in the church.
____Carmin miranda.
Carmen Miranda (1909-1955) was a singer and BrazilianPortuguese origin, was born on February 9, 1909 and died onAugust 5, 1955.
For 15 years is a success in the United States (U.S.), especially in Hollywood. His real name is Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha.
Born in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal, came to Brazil in two years. His first album comes out in 1930, marked the success of Tai, Joubert de Carvalho. In the 30's, your recordings are successful carnivals (Alô. ... .. Hello, Goodbye Batucada on the board of Bahia) and it does toured Argentina and Uruguay. It operates in five films starring Brazilian cinema.
For 15 years is a success in the United States (U.S.), especially in Hollywood. His real name is Maria do Carmo Miranda da Cunha.
Born in Marco de Canaveses, Portugal, came to Brazil in two years. His first album comes out in 1930, marked the success of Tai, Joubert de Carvalho. In the 30's, your recordings are successful carnivals (Alô. ... .. Hello, Goodbye Batucada on the board of Bahia) and it does toured Argentina and Uruguay. It operates in five films starring Brazilian cinema.
Heitor Villa Lobos
Heitor Villa-Lobos, (Rio de Janeiro 05.03.1887 - 17.11.1959 Rio de Janeiro) filho de um modesto funcionário público, letrado e melômano, que tocava violoncelo, muito novo é iniciado no estudo do instrumento pelo pai, que, dada a pequena altura da criança, utiliza para o efeito uma violeta voltada para baixo. Falecido Raul Villa-Lobos prematuramente em 1899, a mãe do futuro autor de Amazonas pensou em fazê-lo seguir a carreira de médico, mas a paixão era por de mais forte e, munido do seu violão, dava-lhe largas, tocando em rodas e conjuntos instrumentais populares, os chamados choros e, começando em 1900 a compor para o instrumento uma série de pecinhas de gosto também popular. Em breve ganhava a sua vida como violoncelista, tocando em cinemas, teatros e cafés.Dos 18 aos 20 anos leva uma vida errante e aventurosa através do Brasil, visitando o Norte, o Centro e o sul do país, tocando, compondo familiarizando-se com a música popular e recolhendo nessas peregrinações impressões que vão às suas futuras obras. Os seus estudos haviam-se feito irregularmente. Aperfeiçoara a técnica do violoncelo com Breno Niedemberg, mas da curta passagem pela aula de harmonia de Frederico Nascimento, no Instituto Nacional de Música do Rio de Janeiro, pouco proveito tirara. Em 1913 abandonara a vida errante e fixa-se no Rio.
Heitor Villa-Lobos (Rio de Janeiro 05/03/1887 - 17/11/1959 Rio de Janeiro) son of a humble public servant, lawyer and music lover who played the cello, very new starts in the study of the instrument by his father, which, given the small size of the child,for this purpose uses a purple down. Raul Villa-Lobos diedprematurely in 1899, the mother of the future author of Amazonsthought to make it a career as a doctor, but the passion was forthe strongest and, armed with his guitar, gave him broad, touching wheels popular and instrumental ensembles, the cries and calls, starting in 1900 to compose for the instrument a series of little pieces of taste also popular. Soon earned his living as acellist, playing in cinemas, theaters and cafes.
18 to 20 years leading a wandering and adventurous through Brazil, visiting the North, Central and South, playing, composingfamiliarizing yourself with popular music and gatheringimpressions that these pilgrimages go to his future works. His studies had been done irregularly. Perfected the technique ofcello with Breno Niedemberg, but the brief spell in class harmonyBirth of Frederick, the National Institute of Music in Rio de Janeiro, had taken little advantage. In 1913 he abandoned thewandering life and fixed on the Rio
charles chaplin
Chaplin nasceu em Londres no ano de 1889 e iniciou sua carreira como mímico, fazendo excursões para apresentar sua arte. Em 1913, durante uma de suas viagens pelo mundo, este grande ator conheceu o cineasta Mack Sennett, em Nova York (Estados Unidos), que o contratou para estrelar seus filmes.
Seu personagem mais famoso foi o vagabundo Carlitos, oprimido e engraçado, este personagem denunciava as injustiças sociais. De forma inteligente e engraçada, este grande artista sabia como fazer rir e também chorar. Em 1918, no auge de seu sucesso, ele abriu sua própria empresa cinematográfica, e, a partir daí, fazia seus próprios roteiros e dirigia seus filmes. Crítico ferrenho da sociedade, ele não se cansava de denunciar os grandes problemas sociais, tais como a miséria e o desemprego. Produziu grandes obras como: O Circo, Rua de Paz e Luzes da Cidade. Pelo filme O Circo, Chaplin ganhou em 1929 seu primeiro Oscar Honorário. Adepto ao cinema mudo, o também cineasta, era contra o surgimento do cinema sonoro, mas como grande artista que era, logo se adaptou e voltou a produzir verdadeiras obras primas: O Grande Ditador (crítica ao fascismo), Tempos Modernos e Luzes da Ribalta.
charles chaplin
Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and began his career as amime, doing tours to showcase their art. In 1913, during one of his trips around the world, this great actor met the filmmakerMack Sennett, New York (United States), who hired him to star inhis films.
His most famous character Carlitos was the straggler, oppressedand funny, this character denounced social injustice. Smart andfunny, this great artist knew how to laugh and also cry.
In 1918 at the height of his success, he opened his own film company, and from there made his own screenplays and directedfilms. Outspoken critic of society, he never tired of denouncingthe serious social problems such as poverty and unemployment.Produced great works as The Circus, Street Peace and City Lights. The film The Circus, Chaplin won his first Oscar in 1929Honorary.
Adept to the silent film, the filmmaker also was against the emergence of sound cinema, but as a great artist who was soon adapted and returned to produce true masterpieces: The Great Dictator (critique of fascism), Modern Times and Limelight
Heitor Villa-Lobos (Rio de Janeiro 05/03/1887 - 17/11/1959 Rio de Janeiro) son of a humble public servant, lawyer and music lover who played the cello, very new starts in the study of the instrument by his father, which, given the small size of the child,for this purpose uses a purple down. Raul Villa-Lobos diedprematurely in 1899, the mother of the future author of Amazonsthought to make it a career as a doctor, but the passion was forthe strongest and, armed with his guitar, gave him broad, touching wheels popular and instrumental ensembles, the cries and calls, starting in 1900 to compose for the instrument a series of little pieces of taste also popular. Soon earned his living as acellist, playing in cinemas, theaters and cafes.
18 to 20 years leading a wandering and adventurous through Brazil, visiting the North, Central and South, playing, composingfamiliarizing yourself with popular music and gatheringimpressions that these pilgrimages go to his future works. His studies had been done irregularly. Perfected the technique ofcello with Breno Niedemberg, but the brief spell in class harmonyBirth of Frederick, the National Institute of Music in Rio de Janeiro, had taken little advantage. In 1913 he abandoned thewandering life and fixed on the Rio
charles chaplin
Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and began his career as amime, doing tours to showcase their art. In 1913, during one of his trips around the world, this great actor met the filmmakerMack Sennett, New York (United States), who hired him to star inhis films.
His most famous character Carlitos was the straggler, oppressedand funny, this character denounced social injustice. Smart andfunny, this great artist knew how to laugh and also cry.
In 1918 at the height of his success, he opened his own film company, and from there made his own screenplays and directedfilms. Outspoken critic of society, he never tired of denouncingthe serious social problems such as poverty and unemployment.Produced great works as The Circus, Street Peace and City Lights. The film The Circus, Chaplin won his first Oscar in 1929Honorary.
Adept to the silent film, the filmmaker also was against the emergence of sound cinema, but as a great artist who was soon adapted and returned to produce true masterpieces: The Great Dictator (critique of fascism), Modern Times and Limelight
His most famous character Carlitos was the straggler, oppressedand funny, this character denounced social injustice. Smart andfunny, this great artist knew how to laugh and also cry.
In 1918 at the height of his success, he opened his own film company, and from there made his own screenplays and directedfilms. Outspoken critic of society, he never tired of denouncingthe serious social problems such as poverty and unemployment.Produced great works as The Circus, Street Peace and City Lights. The film The Circus, Chaplin won his first Oscar in 1929Honorary.
Adept to the silent film, the filmmaker also was against the emergence of sound cinema, but as a great artist who was soon adapted and returned to produce true masterpieces: The Great Dictator (critique of fascism), Modern Times and Limelight
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